Dorottya (Dora) Demszky

Assistant Professor in Education Data Science

Curriculum vitae

Graduate School of Education

Stanford University

Can Automated Feedback Improve Teachers’ Uptake of Student Ideas? Evidence From a Randomized Controlled Trial In a Large-Scale Online Course

Journal article

Dorottya Demszky, Jing Liu, Heather Hill, Dan Jurafsky, Chris Piech
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 2023 May



APA   Click to copy
Demszky, D., Liu, J., Hill, H., Jurafsky, D., & Piech, C. (2023). Can Automated Feedback Improve Teachers’ Uptake of Student Ideas? Evidence From a Randomized Controlled Trial In a Large-Scale Online Course. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.

Chicago/Turabian   Click to copy
Demszky, Dorottya, Jing Liu, Heather Hill, Dan Jurafsky, and Chris Piech. “Can Automated Feedback Improve Teachers’ Uptake of Student Ideas? Evidence From a Randomized Controlled Trial In a Large-Scale Online Course.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (May 2023).

MLA   Click to copy
Demszky, Dorottya, et al. “Can Automated Feedback Improve Teachers’ Uptake of Student Ideas? Evidence From a Randomized Controlled Trial In a Large-Scale Online Course.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, May 2023.

BibTeX   Click to copy

  title = {Can Automated Feedback Improve Teachers’ Uptake of Student Ideas?  Evidence From a Randomized Controlled Trial In a Large-Scale Online Course},
  year = {2023},
  month = may,
  journal = {Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis},
  author = {Demszky, Dorottya and Liu, Jing and Hill, Heather and Jurafsky, Dan and Piech, Chris},
  month_numeric = {5}

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